Stigma and awareness are other barriers to be addressed for AUD patients. It is essential to destigmatize mental health concerns surrounding AUD patients for better accessibility and utilization of community resources (Finn et al., 2023). Community resources need continuous funding sources for sustainability, as fluctuations can affect the continuity and quality of services for AUD patients (like Mr. Paul). Studies have shown that community resources complement clinical interventions, extending the continuum of care beyond medical settings and supporting long-term recovery journeys (Mushi et al., 2023).

State Board Nursing Practice Standards

The American Nurse Association (ANA) is pivotal for AUD management and care coordination. It provides guidelines and standards for nurses to effectively address AUD. It further entails the utilization and leverage technology such as EHR, telehealth platforms, and digital tools. It provides instructions on using these tools to assess, monitor, and manage AUD. ANA advocates for integrating evidence-based practices, interdisciplinary collaboration, and individualized approaches for patients like Mr. Paul to manage AUD with enhanced outcomes. ANA supports community resource utilization facilitated by technology to improve care continuity and promote results for individuals with AUD (Flaubert et al., 2021). 

Different policies support technology integration for AUD management. For instance, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides coverage for healthcare services. It is supported through Medicaid services, allowing access to coordinated care and community-based services, making it accessible for AUD patients (Like Mr. Paul) (Maclean & Saloner, 2019). Moreover, technology integration raises concerns for privacy and security, for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) encourages the protection of patient’s health information during AUD management via EHR and telehealth and digital devices (Edemekong et al., 2022).

It builds trust for patients like Mr. Paul to share the necessary information for effective and improved health outcomes. The standard guidelines for nursing practice by the ANA code of ethics ensure an obligation to ethical principles (beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice). Nurses use these guidelines to ensure that Mr. Paul is equitably accessing care coordinated and community resources. These principles and policies together guide nurses and other healthcare professionals to ensure the safety of patients with AUD (Snoek & Horstkötter, 2021). 

Part 2

Documentation of Practicum Hours

During the two hours spent with Mr. Paul, aged 36, and dealing with AUD, our focus was on integrating technology, care coordination, and community resources for his comprehensive management. We discussed suitable technology tools, including mobile apps for tracking alcohol intake and coping mechanisms, which he agreed to use. The purpose of integrating the tracking tool was due to the inability of Paul to quit alcohol altogether suddenly, so reducing intake was essential to avoid relapse and ensure abstinence. We also set alerts and reminders for medication adherence and appointments to address stress, depression, and emotional stability.

Collaboration with the healthcare team, including addiction specialists and therapists, facilitated tailored intervention for Mr. Paul. In this planning, his family took part, especially his spouse. We involved them in support and education, addressing barriers to access and promoting a positive outlook on recovery. We also provided educational resources and encouraged community engagement to sustain progress in AUD management. 


In conclusion, the comprehensive approach for Mr. Paul’s AUD management is technology integration and care coordination. It also utilizes community resources reflecting a commitment to improving his health outcomes and quality of life. By leveraging technological tools, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and engaging community support, Mr. Paul’s treatment plan is tailored to his specific needs and preferences. His family’s involvement and adherence to ethical standards and policies ensure a holistic and patient-centered approach, enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of his AUD management. Continued support, education, and community engagement are crucial for sustaining positive progress and promoting long-term recovery for Mr. Paul. 


Aguirre, R. R., Suarez, O., Fuentes, M., & Gonzalez, M. A. S. (2019). Electronic health record implementation: A review of resources and tools. Cureus11(9).